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Who We Are

Coombe Hill Infants’ has 11 governors consisting of:

  • 2 elected parent governors
  • 1 Local Education Authority (LEA) governor
  • The Head teacher
  • 1 elected staff governor
  • 6 co-opted governors 

You can contact the Governing Body via


Category of Governor and Term

Committee membership

Specific Responsibility

Tim Sandford

Chair of Governors

Parent Governor
01.12.21 - 30.11.25

  • Curriculum & Standards
  • Community, Children & Safeguarding
  • Resources
  • Health and Safety/Premises
  • HTPM panel
  • H&S/Premises Governor
  • PPG Link Governor
  • Chair of Governors

Becky Buckley

Vice-Chair of Governors

18.7.22 - 17.07.26

  • Chair of Community, Children & Safeguarding
  • Health and Safety/Premises
  • Safeguarding Link Governor
  • HTPM Panel
  • Vice Chair of Governors
Jessica Birchall

Parent Governor

01.12.22 - 30.11.26

  • Curriculum & Standards

Gaylyn Coskey

LEA Governor

24.09.20 - 23.09.2024

  • Resources (Chair)
  • Health and Safety/Premises
  • Pay Panel
  • GDPR link
Janet Berry



  • Curriculum & Standards
  • Community, Children & Safeguarding
  • Resources
  • Health and Safety
  • All
Jack Morris 

Staff Governor
29.11.21 - 28.11.25

  • Curriculum & Standards
  • Arts
Tom Glossop


18.07.22 - 17.07.26

  • Resources
  • Health and Safety/Premises
  • Pay Panel
  • Human Resources Link
  • HTPM Panel
Peter Sebastian


29.11.21 - 29.11.25

  • Chair of Health and Safety/Premises
  • Resources
  • PPG Link

Catherine Amulen



26.09.22 - 25.09.26

  • Curriculum & Standards
  • Community, Children & Safeguarding
  • SEND Link
  • LAC Link
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing Link


Chiara Marcelline

Co-opted Governor

30.11.23 - 29.11.27

  • Community, Children & Safeguarding
  • Curriculum and Standards
  • Safeguarding Link 
  • EYFS Link

Coombe Hill Infants’ also has a number of associate members who have voting rights at committee level only. 


Category of Governor and Term

Committee membership

Specific Responsibility

Susan Jakob

Associate Member

28.11.22 - 27.11.23

Deputy Head

  • Curriculum & Standards
  • Community, Children & Safeguarding
Mark Bennett

Associate Member

11.7.24 - 10.7.25

  • Resources
  • Health and Safety/ Premises