Sustainable Transport
We are committed to making the local area safer for our families and staff travelling to and from school. We are especially keen to encourage everyone to take a sustainable form of transport. This could mean walking, cycling, scooting, park and stride (parking further away and walking), taking the bus or train, or car shares.
Each year we carry out a travel survey to see how everyone travels to school, and to find out what prevents people from travelling more sustainably. There are a variety of reasons, but the main point to take away is that we can all make a difference with every journey we make. Even if we can only replace one journey, or one part of our daily commute, added together, our changes can make a real difference.
Some of our sustainable transport activities are:
- Sustrains Big Walk & Wheel 20-31st March 23
- Annual Travel Survey
- Campaign for speed limit reduction on the school section of Coombe Lane West:
- In December our children had a visit from the Met Police and used speed guns to stop and question speeding drivers on Coombe Lane West. The children loved this experience and were passionate about letting the drivers know that speeding was dangerous. The drivers were given the option of receiving a speeding ticket or having a chat with the children. This was part of our campaign to lower the speed limit to 20mph on Coombe Lane West - the road outside our school.
- We have attached some letters from pupils to Kinston Council campaigning for this.
- Campaign to erect barriers for safer crossing on Coombe Lane West
- Brake Road Safety Week 2023
- Working towards TfL Stars Accreditation