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Coombe Hill Infants' is an inclusive school that supports the needs, well-being and progress of every child. 

Our whole school ethos is one of inclusion, and as a school we aim to provide a secure, nurturing environment with a broad and balanced curriculum for all of our pupils. We recognise, respect and value difference and understand that diversity is a strength. We endeavour to make sure all children are given the right support to reach their full potential and ultimately become an independent learner. Together in an inclusive environment, our children are able to learn skills and a positive attitude towards others, that will help them as they grow older.

If you feel your child has any additional needs or you would like to discuss your concerns and would like to book an appointment please contact Mrs Jacqueline Heard, our SENCO and Inclusion Manager, by emailing

Inclusion underpins all of our school policies, Please click here to view them.

To view our SEND policy, please click here.

To find out more about provision for special needs in Kingston, please click here to view the local offer. 

Being a parent is one of the hardest roles, we may ever have.

Being a parent of a child with special educational needs, can feel quite lonely at times. If you feel you need support or someone to talk to, do get in touch with us.

Our wonderful parents have established a CHIPTA "celebrating diversity group". This has been very successful in helping parents to feel less alone and ensures there is always someone there if you need someone to talk to. They have regular informal meetings, walk and talk sessions and discussions over tea/coffee and cake.

If you would prefer to talk to someone outside of the school, try one of these supportive groups instead...

SEND parent champions


SCOPE parent support groups

To find out more about how Coombe Hill Infants' school caters for children with special needs, please click below to view our CHI SEND report.