Curriculum Intent
At Coombe Hill Infant School, we aim to deliver a high-quality P.E. provision which ensures children develop positive attitudes to competitive sport and allow them to become physically confident. Our teaching staff agree that we are aiming for the same endpoint - we want our children to be able to access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination which will enable them to lead healthy active lives.
Curriculum Implementation
At Coombe Hill Infant School, we follow the Merton PE scheme - a progressive and skills based programme. PE is taught throughout the week. All staff have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high quality teaching of PE. Our curriculum is designed to allow children to …
- master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination and begin to apply these in a range of activities
- participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
- perform dances using simple movement patterns.
- expect that the teacher’s own speaking and listening in PE, supports children in developing their language and vocabulary
The Daily Mile is part of our whole school routine and encourages children to see exercise as a part of their daily lives.
Our PE curriculum is enriched by our professional external sport provider, Love The Ball, who focus on developing key skills in football, cricket, basketball and tag rugby. We hold in-school competitions for dance and gymnastics and participate in inter-school events eg football, swimming and country dancing. We are very fortunate to be able to offer weekly swimming/water skills lessons to all of our children during the Summer term.
Our Sports Day is an opportunity to celebrate all of the skills learned across the year and is extremely well attended by all of our parents and extended family.
Oracy in all subjects
Our curriculum design allows for as many speaking opportunities as possible as our teachers understand that speaking and listening are at the heart of language. Not only are they the foundations for reading and writing, they are also essential skills for thinking and communication. Our teachers are role models for good spoken English, using ambitious vocabulary and correct grammar. Children are encouraged to read aloud, discuss ideas with their peers and teachers, engage with and learn new vocabulary to extend their spoken and receptive vocabulary.
Health & Happiness week
As part of our Health & Happiness Week, we were fortunate to welcome in Carole McGrath who led a series of peer (child-to-child) massage workshops with every class. The children learnt the importance of relaxation and how to soothe themselves and others!
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