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Celebrating Harvest

Next week - Healthy eating and positive mental health

Each year we have a positive mental health focus week.  Next week we will have a focus on food and how this has an impact on our wellbeing.   Your children will be cooking and exploring different food.   On Friday 8 October all children are invited to come in dressed as a fruit or vegetable and we will enjoy a parade.   Please don't worry too much about the outfit.   A green t-shirt can easily pass as a green bean and purple or green balloons attached to a top become a wonderful bunch of grapes!

​As part of health and well-being week each child will be taking part in a mini marathon.  We are hoping that every child will run 2.6 miles.  This will happen each day during the Daily Mile.  We will be collecting donations on Thursday morning next week at the school gate in support of this.  For each £5 donated we can buy a new reading book.

Harvest Festival assembly and charity collection 

Next week we will also be holding our Harvest Festival assembly at school and have organised a Harvest collection for a local homeless charity, the Ace of Clubs - please see   Attached is a wish list of items that the charity have requested.  We will be collecting items at the front of the school outside the School office entrance from Wednesday 6 October until Friday 8 October.